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Private Coaching
and more...


I view people that I work with as different flowers in the garden - each flower has different needs, is located somewhere else - yet they all have one thing in common - they seek the sun and nutrients in order to thrive.​ Humans have one basic need that binds us all together - that is the need to belong. But there is another need that is hidden and only few are aware of its importance - the need to feel satisfied and feel good. Often, our mental blocks and old thought patterns prevent us from giving ourselves that permission. And yet, everything truly stems from the concept of SELF - this is the area where I specialize. I've developed a system where I combine energy, mindset, emotions and psychology to connect you with YOURSELF - with who you truly are.

Soul Coaching Session

This method of coaching involves your personal soul sketch. In this process Alena connects to your energy field and translates it into a sketch. You will also receive a message from source that is in resonance to your current situation. You can choose 30 min session with soul sketch and consultation, or you can opt for 60 min session with a full hour of consultation, coaching, tips, ideas and tools to help you with your current situation. Make sure to take notes. The original sketch will be yours to keep and mailed to you. More>>>

 (soul sketch and  consultation)

(soul sketch, consultation, coaching, tips, tools)


Perfect as a gift !

SoulSketching Sessions

Tesla Soul Communication Metamorphosis Sessions


This process is done as long-distant healing. Alena works with Teslian waves as she connects to your energy field. Regardless of your worldwide location, Alena communicates with you on the level of your conscious, subconscious, and integrative mind. During this communication, she writes down everything that comes through. This method takes about 30 minutes and an hour session may be necessary for feedback and integration. Typically three sessions are sufficient. Not only does healing take place during this process, you will also be equipped with solutions, tips, and tools to continue with your well-being.

Usually, after the third session, it is obvious if there are significant changes, and usually, three sessions are enough. There is no need to have regular sessions for this type of healing.

Concept of "Self" 

It is my belief AND experience (also validated through many of my clients) that the most important relationship is the one we have with the SELF. Once we love and accept who we are, fully and completely, we come into an alignment ourselves. From that point on, everything around us will start to change. I teach people how to come into that alignment and also what to do to come back and maintain it. We all have answers within and we all have the same opportunity to access to it. And now you can too.

My Un - orthodox Way of Coaching

Although I hold a MS in Psychology, I do not work as a counselor. In my work, I discourage my clients from digging into the past. I do not sit in an emotional mud caused by past events (there is NO NEED!). I work with energy - to me, everything is about VIBRATION in the present moment. That's why I developed a system where I combine the energy, mindset, emotion, and psychology to equip and empower my clients with different tools and processes to reach that alignment, to get that clarity, to find the direction. Yes, I use my intuition and channel the energy to support people like you to gain new awareness, change perception, reprogram your mindset and recalibrate your energy. And through our work together, you will be able to do the same for yourself!

Coaching is an investment. It can take 9 weeks, it can take 9 months (I never got this far!). My mission is to empower you to coach yourself. To become Self Partner with Yourself! Once you start to work on this most important relationship of them all, you will start to notice changes within just the first few weeks. If you are considering investing in yourself (and there is no one more important to invest in), then click the link below to tell me more!

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