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Mystical Lake



Fully private, 1:1, personalized, inspiring, and mystical mentorship
to help you unveil your soul's magic.

Na lidi, se kterými pracuji, pohlížím jako na různé květiny v zahradě – každá květina má jiné potřeby, je umístěna někde jinde – a přesto mají všechny jedno společné – hledají slunce a živiny, aby se jim dařilo.​ Lidé mají jednu základní potřebu, která nás všechny spojuje – potřebu někam patřit. Ale je tu ještě jedna potřeba, která je skryta a jen málokdo si uvědomuje její důležitost – potřeba cítit se spokojeně a dobře. Často nám naše mentální bloky a staré myšlenkové vzorce brání dát si toto povolení. A přesto vše skutečně pramení z konceptu SEBE – to je oblast, na kterou se specializuji. Vyvinula jsem systém, kde kombinuji energii, myšlení, emoce a psychologii, abych vás spojila se SEBOU – s tím, kým skutečně jste.


Here is how the Private Self Mastery Mentorship will work:

  • We will begin with an in-depth 1:1 (approx 1 hour long) private session.

  • During this session, we will establish what frequency of private sessions is best for you during our time together.

  • In between our sessions, we will be in almost daily connection (Mon-Fri) via audio messenger or text, where we will be making small adjustments to your energy, mindset, and emotions. This will powerfully support you in staying in the energy of limitless potential, growth and translating it into every aspect of your life.

Option 1


  • Customized blueprint of our work together (will be created after the initial conversation, a mixture of given information, intuition, and downloads)

  • Initial consultation based on the blueprint

  • Personal soul sketch as a guidance of our focus

  • 1:1 private session once a week based on mental, emotional, and spiritual pillars, NLP and positive intelligence

  • Monday-Friday daily check-in, messenger audio mentoring, or texts on as needed basis

  • Habit building, consistency, routines

  • Plan on moving forward and integration

  • $4500 paid in full, or 2 monthly installments of $2250

Option 2


  • Customized blueprint of our work together (will be created after the initial conversation, a mixture of given information, intuition, and downloads)

  • Initial consultation based on the blueprint

  • Personal soul sketch as a guidance of our focus

  • 1:1 private session once a week based on mental, emotional, and spiritual pillars, NLP and positive intelligence

  • Monday-Friday daily check-in, messenger audio mentoring, or texts on as needed basis

  • Habit building, consistency, routines

    Plan on moving forward and integration

    $6666 paid in full, or 2 monthly installments of $3333

Few words from Alena:

I view people that I work with as different flowers in the garden - each flower has different needs, is located somewhere else - yet they all have one thing in common - they seek the sun and nutrients in order to thrive.​ Humans are designed to thrive. Often, however, our mental blocks and old thought patterns prevent us from giving ourselves that permission. And yet, everything stems from the concept of SELF - this is the area where I specialize. I've developed a system where I combine energy, mindset, emotions and Positive Intelligence to connect you with YOURSELF - with who you truly are.

I look forward to working with you!

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