I know, it’s not that time of year yet; the summer is slowly fading into fall. However, those who know me also know that I've been working with energy for quite some time and can sense the current energetic state of our world. Lately, the topic of fear has been a recurring theme in my conversations. We're bombarded with it every single day through news and social media. And what does that leave us with? More fear? From my NLP training, I've embraced the saying, "What you focus on expands." If our focus is on fear and where the world is heading, what are we doing to ourselves and to our planet? Just today, I spoke with a wise individual about the power of the collective.
The Power of the Collective
Consider this example: imagine 1,000 people who watch the same news channel and are exposed to a fear-inducing story. This group begins to form opinions rooted in similar emotions: anger and fear. This process starts on an individual level. But as social creatures, we seek connection, relatability, and a sense of belonging. We start to notice who else feels the same way—our friends, spouses, neighbors, children's teachers, the cashier at the grocery store, and others we follow on social media. Knowing that others share these feelings creates a sense of understanding and belonging, so we engage more deeply with them emotionally and mentally. This is how collective energy forms.
If the foundation of this energy is based on fear and anger, we may feel temporarily relieved by being part of it. However, this relief is fleeting. When we are alone, we feel fear again, leading us to seek more connections with like-minded individuals. We form groups, write petitions, create clubs—anything to keep the momentum going. The collective grows stronger as it is continually fueled by fear and anger. And as the saying goes, "What you focus on expands." Thus, the collective energy amplifies and intensifies. Before we know it, there’s a movement, either against or for something. If this movement is founded on fear and anger, do you think it will achieve anything other than more fear and anger? No, it won’t.
Common Themes That Contribute to Collective Fear
Have you watched the news lately? I try not to, but sometimes it's hard to avoid. From public health crises, climate crises, political corruption, economic instability, cybersecurity threats, domestic security, social injustice, geopolitical conflicts, energy shortages, supply chain disruptions, to violence and crime—we are fed this narrative every single day. Remember, what you focus on expands. Can you grasp just how powerful our collective fear and anger have become? Each day, we wake up, repeat the pattern of consuming fear-inducing news, and thus amplify the current state of affairs.
The Collective Can Be Changed
The good news is, when you realize you’re part of a movement driven by fear and anger, you have the power to change the collective energy. However, no change will be effective unless it starts on an individual level. When the momentum is strong and intense, shifting collective energy might take time or require significant efforts. But that shouldn't be our primary concern. Our focus should be on starting within ourselves. The change begins with you, with altering what influences you—or rather, changing your attitude towards it and choosing influences that feel better than fear and anger.
How Love Conquers Fear
You might feel like a small player in the world, but trust me when I say that love is more powerful than fear. It always has been and always will be. Love and fear emit vastly different energy levels; they are polar opposites. One vibrates at the highest frequency, while the other vibrates at the lowest. You can guess which is which. Test this for yourself. When you entertain fear-based thoughts—watching news about tragic events or witnessing hate on TV or social media—you naturally start connecting with similar thoughts: "What kind of world are we living in? What will happen to me? What does the future hold?" These thoughts enter your consciousness almost automatically, and your day begins charged with fear, anger, or sadness.
On the other hand, when you return to basics—appreciating the fact that you woke up, that your body is functioning well, or noticing a bird or butterfly—you start focusing on more pleasing things or people in your life that you love. Little by little, you start to feel love too. The longer you dwell in gratitude and appreciation, the easier it becomes to focus on love. Love for those in your life, love for your pets, your surroundings, even your own bed. Your vibration starts to change even as you read this because you're subconsciously connecting to love.
Where do you feel love in your life the most? Who or what is the object of your love? Reflect on why you love them so much. Are you smiling as you think about this? I am, as I'm doing this exercise with you right now. I can feel my mood lifting, my energy rising, and overall, I feel more joyful.
It Starts With You
Take a moment to focus on yourself. Conduct an emotional inventory. How are you feeling? What's trending in your life? What occupies your thoughts? Does it feel good, or does it feel fearful? If it's fear-based, just notice it and know that you always have a choice. You can absolutely shift this. If you don't, you'll become part of the collective fear-based reality. And we all know where that can lead us.
Instead, step outside and connect with nature, or look out the window. Dive into your favorite personal development book or seek inspiration on social media for a few minutes. Call a friend, but avoid discussing your mood. Ask them to help you feel better right away. Call a professional or contact me. Put on some uplifting music and dance. Hold a pencil between your teeth, forcing a smile until your brain catches on and you actually start to smile. This trick works every time! As happier thoughts enter your mind, you'll feel the difference.
Final Thoughts
And now, you probably feel much better—more at peace and filled with joy. By focusing on your well-being, you're contributing positively to the collective energy. This is how change begins; this is how we all need to start contributing more love and joy to this world. It starts with you, it starts with us. When you practice focusing on joy and the good things or people in your life, you are not only changing your frequency but also that of the entire planet.
Remember, you always have a choice about where to direct your attention. Yes, horrific events have happened, and there's little we can do about the past. But we can certainly create a more joyful world starting now, from this very moment. Ask yourself questions that counter fear: "Wouldn’t it be wonderful to witness these wars ending? Won't it be amazing when our economy improves? Wouldn’t it be beautiful to see people around me smile? Wouldn’t it be fantastic if all countries got along?" This isn't about wishful thinking—it's about recalibrating your energy. By choosing hope over fear, you are doing a great service to yourself and to this world. Because the moment you switch to faith and hope, the frequency of this planet begins to shift.
So, let’s bring joy to the world—starting with ourselves.
To be part of a positive, uplifting collective community of women, I invite you to join My High Vibe Tribe - a private Facebook group. For even more connection, come with us to Mexico with a sacred and intimate group of like-minded and powerful women to another life-changing and transforming ElateHER Retreat. Save and use these helpful tips to easily switch from fear to joy anytime you need!